Home » Spotlight on: Cable tv

Spotlight on: Cable tv

Rarely do you hear the phrase ” I’m happy with what I pay for cable” come out of the mouth of any normal human adult. We pay a lot, really….a ton of money to these bastards so they can dole it out to all their bastard friends companies and strike deals and bargains and black out channels for negotiations. Fuck em’. I don’t need them OR their terrible customer service and neither do you.

Not only am I going to explain to you why you should leave, but I’ll also show you how I did it, step by step. You see the process, the progress and the results. I will post my bills, show how much I’ve spent and answer any questions you might have along the way. Post comments or email me and I’ll respond as soon as possible. If you have your own story of how and why you left cable, I’ll be glad to post that too.

Let’s begin.


Breaking up with the cable company Pt. 1

Breaking up with the cable company Pt. 2

Breaking up with the cable company Pt. 3

Breaking up with the cable company Pt. 4

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